RWK Goodman Employment Law Update: All change!

  • Date:
  • Time: 09:30 - 13:00 GMT
  • location: Dorking Halls
  • Registration fee: Member Fee - £0.00 | Non-Member Fee - £25.00

We are delighted to invite members to an in-person employment law seminar with the specialist employment solicitors in RWK Goodman’s Health & Social Care team.


What can you expect?

The Employment Rights Bill represents the biggest overhaul of employment law in over 50 years and sets to significantly rebalance the employer / employee relationship. The reforms are wide-ranging and will be consulted on and regulations made over the next year. Now is the time to start considering how the changes could impact your care business and how you are going to implement them. The seminar will cover the key changes in the Bill affecting care providers, as follows:

1. Fair Pay Agreements for care workers
2. Changes to zero hours contracts
3. Unfair dismissal from day 1 and statutory probationary periods
4. New rights for trade unions and changes to statutory recognition
5. Sick pay reform

We will also discuss the challenges posed by the Budget reforms to Employer National Insurance contributions and increases to NMW rates and the impact this may have on providers including re-organisation, restructuring and redundancy.

Who should attend?

HR professionals, directors, business owners, executives, managers, team leaders and anyone with responsibility for HR within an organisation that specialises in adult social care, domiciliary care, hospices and supported living accommodation.


9.30am – Arrive for registration, refreshments and networking
10am – Part 1 and Q&A
11am – Tea and coffee break
11.15am – Part 2 and Q&A
12.15pm – Networking


Dorking Halls, Reigate Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1SG –


  • Free of charge for Surrey Care Association members
  • £25.00 pp for non-members

Register your place here

For any queries, please contact [email protected]

Places are first come first serve, so please reserve your place today to avoid missing out.

The Health and Social Care Team at RWK Goodman is a recognised market leader, with in-depth knowledge and experience in the social care sector. They advise all types of care organisations including nursing and residential homes, hospices, supported living services, homecare agencies, recruitment agencies and hospitals. Advice includes HR and employment law, business immigration and sponsor licence applications, safeguarding, debt recovery, data protection, CQC, service user contracts, litigation and inquests. *Unsplash