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Leadership development training

Explore the training that’s available to help internationally recruited staff to settle in and understand their new role.

Good leadership creates an environment in which staff can thrive, and is essential to delivering the highest quality care.

Leadership development in adult social care is about improving leadership skills to motivate, guide and inspire people to give high-quality care.

Effective social care leaders:

  • Nurture a supportive environment
  • Foster a shared vision on which team members can align
  • Value the well-being of their team members
  • Encourage work-life balance
  • Are open to feedback
  • Use technology to make administrative tasks more efficient and enhance communication
  • Advocate for fair and equal access for patients to services
  • Promote social care as a meaningful career
The King’s Fund offers a range of professional development courses in leadership and organisational development, some of which are free of charge.