#providersunite event plans live
Providers Unite event details plus what we can do in Surrey!
Surrey Care Association (SCA) exist to help shape the future of Adult Social Care in Surrey. We are a not-for-profit organisation for members working in adult social care. Created in 2005, we resource all Adult Social Care (ASC) stakeholders across Surrey.
Find out more about being a part of our social care community today!
SCA membership is like nothing else I have had as a provider. I have worked in other counties and the support that SCA delivers for us in comparison is just brilliant.Grace, MedUKCare
Providers Unite event details plus what we can do in Surrey!
Presenting with colleagues from Surrey Heartlands and Surrey County Council on United Surrey Talent programme
Linking you to Surrey’s health and care partnerships and place-based partnerships.
Resources covering guidance, advice & policy with regards to care.
We are delighted to invite members to an in-person employment law seminar with the specialist employment solicitors in RWK Goodman’s Health & Social Care team.
These member only sessions are a great opportunity for SCA’s LD Care Provider members to come together to network, share best practice and sector feedback. This particular session will be themed around Workforce, with speakers discussing retention, employee wellbeing and #providersunite campaign.
Social Care is the support given to people who require assistance with daily tasks or to live independently. It can range from personal care such as washing and dressing to support with managing household tasks. Social care can be delivered in a person’s own home, at a central setting such as a day service or in a residential based service such as a care home. Everyone is entitled to a social care assessment through their local council, but only some people will be eligible for their support to be funded by the council or by the NHS.