SCA delivers DHSC masterclass
Presenting with colleagues from Surrey Heartlands and Surrey County Council on United Surrey Talent programme
Last week, our CEO, Nicola McLeish was invited to take part in delivering an Ignite masterclass on behalf of the DHSC along with colleagues from Surrey Heartlands and Surrey County Council.
The Ignite masterclasses are delivered to local authority leaders to guide them in best practice and collaboration.
In this session Nicola was able to speak about the work that the Surrey Care Association has undertaken on the United Surrey Talent Strategy, which started with Bex, her predecessor.
The United Surrey Talent Strategy is a strategy that encourages innovative projects from across the Health and Social Care system which will deliver benefits to the people of Surrey through the Health and Social Care system.
It is a rare example nationally of where the NHS and the local authority have joined forces in an equal and collaborative was with the local Care Association. The second phase of this strategy was presented to the Integrated Care Board in December and further details can be found here. *unsplash