#providersunite event plans live

Surrey shouting loud for social care plus #providersunite London event details

#providersunite London event logistics confirmed

#providersunite, a national coalition of community care and support providers are calling the government to review its 2025 Budget.

They have confirmed their national event on 25 February in Westminster, London and released details on plans for the day. Please register your attendance here on LinkedIn or below in the survey link below under ‘expected attendees.’


We have stats and facts as resources to help. As part of our campaign for 2025, we have produced some leaflets (pictured) for you to use in your highlighting that #socialcareiseverywhere in your local communities.

Please do reach out to [email protected] if you would like to receive these resources as part of your campaigning in your local area.

Event Details

Initial Meeting Point: 10:30 AM

Location: Church House, behind Westminster Abbey, Dean’s Yard, London SW1P 3NZ

Closest Tube stations: St. James’s Park London SW1H 0BB, Westminster, Victoria or Pimlico

Total Distance: 0.4 miles. Nature of Walk: Peaceful march

Purpose: Peaceful gathering and advocacy meeting with MPs.

At Parliament Square Gardens – we will stop for the peaceful demonstration and picnic.

Expected Attendees: please confirm so they know numbers via this survey

This event is about highlighting the enormous contribution that social care provision gives countless communities.

To get updates on the #providersunite event you can do this by clicking on the LinkedIn and Whatsapp links on its home page, and we will continue to update members on details.  There will also be resources available on the day and these include pin badges, flags Easy Read leaflets. You can click here for further social media assets from Providers Unite.

Surrey shouts loud for social care

In 2025 Surrey Care Association will be celebrating the work of our social care providers with residents in Surrey – continuing our theme of shouting loud for social care. Click here for our page of useful facts and stats that we are using in our meetings with local MP’s and Ministers highlighting the value of the work that the sector does and support that it needs to care for others.

Help highlight social care is everywhere in 2025!

Says SCA’s CEO, Nicola McLeish: ‘Can you help up show #socialcareiseverywhere and continue to #shoutloudforsocialcare?

Do email [email protected] to get involved, order leaflets and do share our hashtag to raise awareness of the vital work our member organisations in Surrey undertake.’

Local Plans?

Do reach out to us if you have anything planned in your local area and if you need any resources please let us know! *providersunite

  • “Your voice matters. The work you do matters. The lives you support matter. You matter. It’s time to make the Government acknowledge this truth and act on it.” Martin Green, OBE Read Care England support for the event here
  • The Homecare Association shows its support